The findings are conveyed in a sad and simple graph. It reports a survey of households experiencing hardship in 2011-and who helped them when times were tough. What counted as tough times? 该项调查针对2011年经历困境的家庭,以及陷入困境时得到过谁的帮助,调查结果通过一幅简单而令人悲哀的图表呈现。
Upper Bound Of The Maximum Possible Numbers OF Edges In A Simple Graph Containing no 3-Regular Subgraph 不含3正则子图之简单图的最大可能边数的一个上界
The traversing algorithm for the simple graph has been researched for many years and lots of mature algorithms are developed. 简单图遍历算法已经非常成熟,但是还没有完善的冗余拓扑图遍历算法。
In seeking maximal independent sets of a simple graph by procedures, ongoing research is also relatively small. 在求简单图极大独立集的程序实现方面,目前开展的研究工作还比较少。
The minimum number of colors required for an adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of a simple graph G is called the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number, denoted by xat ( G). 若一个正常全染色其相邻顶点的色集不同时,就称之为邻点可区别全染色,邻点可区别全染色所用颜色的最小数称为邻点可区别全色数。
Let G be a simple graph. G是有限简单图。
The upper boundary and the extremal graph properties of the strong chromatic number χ s ( G) of a simple graph G ( V, E) are studied. 研究了简单图G(V,E)的强色数χs(G)的上界与极图及χs(G)与全色数χT(G)的关系;
It defines firstly the matrix representation of gird and proves that the Rank of simple graph conjunction matrix is a v-1 conjunction matrix and obtains the conjunction matrix of a directed graph of a thermodynamic system fluid grid by analyzing the fluid grid of a thermodynamic system. 首先定义了网络图的矩阵表示,证明了简单图的关联矩阵T的秩Rank(T)为v1,并对热力系统的流体网络图进行了分析,获得热力系统流体网络有向图的关联矩阵。
Let G be a 2 connected simple graph of order n and connectivity k. 设G是一个2连通简单图,具有阶n和连通度k。
Circuit searching in simple graph 简单图中回路问题的求解
Let G be a simple graph. The vertices and edges of G are called the elements of G. 设G是简单图,G的点和边称为G的元素。
Maximal Simple Graph without Perfect Matching 无完美对集最大简单图
According to chromatic polynomial, this article categorize from Hass diagram of n ≤ 4.And that offer the compare diagram between Hass diagram and simple graph. 本文根据色性将n≤4的哈斯图进行了分类,并给出哈斯图与无向简单图比较图表。
A sufficient condition to decide a simple graph with a complete subgraph 简单图含有完全子图的一个充分条件
A problem on regular packing of simple graph 一个简单图的正则包装问题
Let G be a simple graph with no isolated vertices. 设G是一个没有孤立点的简单图。
Let G be a simple graph. A circuit of G, through all vertices of G, is called Hamilton circuit. 设G是一个简单图,一个经过G的全部顶点的回路称为G的哈密尔顿回路。
An algorithm is presented for finding the point-connectivity and point independence number of a simple graph. 为求简单图的点连通度、点独立数给出一个算法。
Let G ( V, E) be simple graph, Ore studied Hamilton connected graphs with any nonadjacent two vertices. 令G(V,E)是简单图,Ore研究了不相邻两点情况的哈密尔顿连通图。
Fiedler gives a remarkable result on the structure of the eigenvectors of G corresponding to its second smallest eigenvalue for G being a simple graph. 若G为简单图,关于G的对应次小特征值的特征向量的结构,Fiedler给出一个值得注意的结论。
In the present paper, we shall give some sufficient conditions to determine whether a given simple graph will be of class one and establish a few results about △-critical graphs. 本文给出了第一类图的几个充分条件,并对△-临界图建立了一些结果。
The sufficient property that Hamilton Circuit exists in the special and simple graph with 4 nodes is discussed. A conclusion is made that the ( 2 k-1)-canonical and simple graph with 4 nodes are Hamilton Graph. 讨论了特殊的4k(k>1)个结点的简单图中存在Hamilton回路的充分性,并由此提出:具有4k个结点的(2k-1)正则简单图都是Hamilton图。
Let G be an ( k-1)-edge connected and k-regular simple graph, and F is an edge set of G with| F| ≤ k-1.In this paper, we prove that G-F has complete matching if G has a complete matching. 设G是k正则(k-1)-边连通的简单图,F是G的一个边集且F≤k-1。本文证明了如下结论:如果G有完美匹配,则G-F也有完美匹配。
Proposition 6.1 H is a simple graph. 命题6.1H是一个图。
Let G be a simple graph of order n. 设G是n阶简单图。
In graph theory, a tree is a simple graph with no circles. 在图论中,树是一个不含圈的简单连通图。